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We electro-statically spray paint most metal surfaces on-site, day or night.

Our Ransburg Electro-Static Spray Painting System completely eliminates overspray!

We are regularly painting aluminium windows and other surfaces located around Sydney and wider NSW.

Ransburg Electro-painters provide quality on-site electro-static spray-painting services to suit your every need. We are able to offer a quality service at the fraction of the cost of replacement. The finish that can be expected from electro-static spray painting is of a high standard. Ransburg Electro painters has a team of specialized spray-painters who work on-site. Electro-static spray painting offers a service with minimal over spray due to our unique Ransburg number two process spray gun, which has close to 100% transfer efficiency when spraying lift doors, aluminum windows etc.

We offer obligation free quotations and information regarding your next project.

Electrostatic spray painting explained

The work piece to be coated is attached to a positive electrode (grounded) and an applicator is attached to the negative electrode. In this coating technology a high voltage supply is utilized to create an electrostatic field between the two electrodes. Atomized particles of paint, receiving a negative charge, are attracted rapidly and evenly to all areas of the positively charged work piece, even to the sides and the rear.

The advantages of this electrostatic coating technology are that it not only saves a large amount of coating material, but also results in a reduction in the coating time through the improvement of coating capacity. Material savings, protecting the working environment and also bringing us high added value as a technology for safeguarding the natural environmental – these are the reasons why the electrostatic coating process, an innovative technology, is widely chosen.